Changed receipe?
I have been using the aromatic compound for several years and this new batch tastes different. Are there more than one aromatic compound? Response from McNess Store: Elizabeth, thank you for taking the time to review the Aromatic Compound. The only change we made to the Aromatic Compound is we removed the artificial coloring ingredient that wasn’t actually needed and certainly wouldn't affect the taste. (So the color of the product might look slightly different, although we didn’t notice that much of a change.) That said, whenever you use natural ingredients, every batch may be a little different based on how the growing season affected those natural ingredients. For instance, a hot dry summer will affect berries differently than a summer with a lot of rain, or one that had a cold spell early, etc. This can affect the taste. Be assured that we followed the same recipe using the same ingredients (other than taking out the artificial coloring mentioned above) and used the same production processes as previous batches. As a side note, we don’t over-filter out all of the natural ingredients. Some manufacturers may have strict guidelines to have a clear liquid in the bottle. But what that sometimes means is the “good stuff” gets filtered out. We’d rather have a product that is a little cloudy and maintains all of the natural goodness than a product that looks clearer but loses some of its ingredient’s positive attributes.