Aromatic Compound
My mom gave this to me as a kid. I love it! I was so happy to see it is still available for my husband and I. We both have stomach issues and aromatic compound helps both of us.
McNess Aromatic Compound contains natural ingredients that include extracts of blackberry, rhubarb and ginger, along with cloves and anise. Ginger is known as a treatment for nausea, upset stomach and other stomach issues. Blackberry is a traditional formula used for diarrhea. Rhubarb is known for its affects on diarrhea, heartburn and stomach pain. Anise is traditionally used for upset stomach and gas issues. Clove is commonly used for indigestion. Cinnamon is considered to have numerous health benefits including gut health while adding a pleasant taste. McNess Aromatic Compound brings these natural ingredients together in one formula.
4 oz bottle
Extracts of Blackberry, Rhubarb and Ginger. Alcohol 10%, Cinnamic Aldehyde, Glycerin, Oils of Anise and Clove, Sodium Benzoate, Sugar, Water
Please note: Product Reviews are submitted by individuals not associated with our company. If a claim of any sort is made, please be advised that we cannot substantiate it. We do not make any claims ourselves for the effectiveness or usefulness of the products. We recommend that consumers do their own research on the uses of the products based on the ingredients listed.
My mom gave this to me as a kid. I love it! I was so happy to see it is still available for my husband and I. We both have stomach issues and aromatic compound helps both of us.
This is the best product for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I’m hoping it will never be discontinued.
My daughter got me onto this exceptional product. She has five children, and she uses homeopathic methods that work better than almost anything else including this product. I have used this to stop the diarrhea when nothing else stopped it. I gave bottles of this to my friends, especially two different friends, who had diarrhea for over three weeks and could not get anything to work, and after two doses of this product, everything came back into alignment with their intestinal track, and it completely stopped the diarrhea. Again they saw perfect results with this, after trying Imodium D etc., which did not work.
My Mom used to give it to us growing up. It always helped with nausea.
Been using it since the 1940's
Works great for upset stomach and indigestion
I don’t want to without it. Calms an upset tummy.
Love all the McNess products! My parents used to purchase them from a traveling salesman!
Best product for belly ache, gas & diarrhea